Photo edited by: Ang Fontana Photography

Photo edited by: Ang Fontana Photography

Hi there!

I’m Jessica! I live in Durham, CA - recently relocated from the Bay Area to be surrounded by my sweet family, friends and amazing fiance.

Here are some random facts about me: I love hanging with my pup, my plants, exercising, the Bachelor, concerts, reading, cooking, lake days, gardening and (of course) a good margarita. I also love creating - upcycling furniture, picking up a new hobby, and designing a new area.


You know what else I love? I LOVE love. Plain and simple.

I love getting to know my clients - knowing where you met, how long you’ve been together and how the proposal went. I love making a game plan for your big day - one that considers every single detail. My goal is to create an experience for both you and your guests, that is fun, beautiful and tells your unique story.

I began working in the wedding industry because I wanted to be a part of something so special for someone else. I’ve had the pleasure of working alongside over 100 couples on their big day. I started planning weddings down at the Palm Event Center & Casa Real in Pleasanton, CA. I was surrounded by an incredible team - full of mentors and leaders in the industry who taught me how to serve from the heart to produce extraordinary and unforgettable events. Once I moved back up north, life didn’t quite seem complete without planning weddings, so I decided to start Hitched Event Co!


I am so passionate about what I do. It’s such an honor to be trusted with one of the most important days in someone’s life.

Thank YOU for allowing me to live out my dream.